Every time we liberate a woman, we liberate a man! Margaret Meade "And so, Silver Linings finding has been mastered either by us consciously or we've shifted unconsciously there with light upgrades from the October 2023 Eclipses and now the Age of Aquarius is birthing Returning to our SAGE WITHIN. There are lots of questions, and our sage within has lots of answers. Calling all Sages to join us at Saging Not Aging FB group. The time is now." Carol Lovell Calvert
Welcome, Sagers Not Agers. What's happening with our group? October 2023 after two eclipses by end of month we will have transformed us to or towards our Sage Within coming out to #playloveforward for self and for humanity! Solar Eclipse 10/14/transforming our thinking; Lunar Eclipse (10/28/transforming our Emotional.
Google: The Sage accepts who you are and what your life is like in the present and views every change in circumstances as a gift. The Sage has five powers it can use to propel your life forward in a positive way: empathy, exploration, innovation, navigation, and execution. The Sage Archetype - Awaken the Wise Woman Within You Also called the Wise Woman or Crone, her mind is her most prized possession and full of insight to share. In fairy-tales and myths, the figure of a wise woman often appears with divine timing just when guidance and reassurance are needed the most.
From Silver Linings Finding to Aligning with the Sage Within, our adventure just keeps getting more and more exciting. Join us at Saging Not Aging, FB Group and Shine!
Always Saging Not Aging, Carol